Media Credits
Doc White’s wildlife photography has appeared in both national and international media for the past three decades. His work continues to mesmerize, educate and allow glimpses of marine animals’ majesty that most of us would never otherwise fully appreciate.
Books featuring Doc as Chief Photographer
The Salmon Forest, Dale Stokes
Saving Sea Otters, Monterey Bay Aquarium
Whale, Giant of the Ocean, Eric Grace
Watching Giants, Elin Kelsey
Other Book Photo Contributions
Whales, National Geographic
The Pinnipeds, Marianne Riedman
Wild Whales, Dr James Darling
The Living Ocean, Marty Snyderman
Sharks, Peter C. Howorth
Sharks of Hawaii, Leighton Taylor
The Ocean Planet, Smithsonian Institute
National Geographic Books
Time-Life Books
KC Publications (National Parks)
Camden House Publishing
Newspapers and Magazines
Wall Street Journal
USA Today
National Geographic
PBS Magazine
BBC Wildlife
Natural History
Wildlife Conservation
Terre Sauvage
International Wildlife
National Wildlife
Sierra Magazine
San Diego Magazine
Robb Report
Apnea Hors Serie
Das Tier Magazine (German Assoc. for Animal Protection)
Skin Diver Magazine
Ocean Realm
Air Alaska
Sport Diving
Youpi Decouvertes (children’s publication)

Television and Film
ABC World of Discovery, Blue Whales
Japan Underwater Films, WAKU WAKU
In the Wild, Christopher Reeve
Blue Peter, BBC Children’s Program
CBS PM Magazine
National Geographic Explorer
Wild Kingdom
NBC Ocean Quest
BBC Sea Trek
PBS David Shepard
US Navy Recruiting Film
San Diego Super Bowl Half-Time Show
Environmental Groups
Cousteau Society
National Association Humane and Environmental
Ocean Artists Society
WGBH Education Foundation
Vie Savage
Defenders of Wildlife
Pomegranate Calendar & Books
Nature Company
Portal Publications
Grand Prize Winner, Nature’s Best Photo Contest
Honorable Mention, BBC Photo Contest |