
Teacups have held the brew that has sustained revolutions, cultivated thought and nurtured friendships for thousands of years. In Tempest in a Teacup, they hold all this and more – a long-lost treasure of incalculable worth – second chances.
Two friends – one Navy SEAL and one Swift Boater – return to their shared war zone on a last mission: to recover a sunken treasure in the hopes of restoring some of what was lost there 25 years ago while reaffirming the rare
bond they had all along.
Available at Amazon.com. Click to Order |

Visit the underwater forest that is home to wild salmon and all the other creatures that share this intriguing and endangeredway of life.
Available Fall 2013 from Universityof California Press.
Click here to order
Also avaliable at amazon.com |

Doc and Ceci have compiled a cook book of recipies and adventures aboard their vessel and home, the RV Mystique. Not only are there great recipies, but also great adventures.
Available Soon